Thursday, February 16, 2017

A day in the garden

Yesterday was mostly sunny. Glorious day for a walk - preferably somewhere lovely. Altamont Gardens was my destination. The sun seemed to have plenty of places to hide, triggered by the approach of my finger to the camera button. I fooled it a couple of times but most of the photos indicate the day was cloudier than it really was.

It's also warmer so going outdoors is once more a daily activity. So here are a few gems from yesterday's garden ramble. I might have to insert them later - connectivity on and off. I've made three attempts but the download of pictures times out every time.

Leaving the gardens I had a choice. Back the way I came? That would be boring as it's a route I use a lot. The other way seemed better. There was a sign indicating it was the route to Rathwood. Lovely - nice place to wander and possibly shop. It's where I bought my raincoat - my current outdoor cover. The road was good and eventually a busier road came into view. When I got to the intersection there wasn't a road sign in sight. Nothing. No pointing anywhere. So, I went straight through. Every time I came to a choice after that I arbitrarily turned right. I managed to get a photo of the road with hedges trimmed on one side and awaiting a trim on the other. I've encountered the trimmer but never anywhere that it was safe to stop and take a picture.

Carrying on, I caught a glimpse of a familiar church - St Fiacc's and knew roughly where I was. Just down the hill was Clonegal. Not home, but no further guessing was required. The route I followed was the one that always makes me wish I had a dash cam to take in the views.

Once back in the nest I found the internet connection to be unstable - as it still is. On and off on a whim, although I don't know who has their finger on the "whim" switch. Promises from Vodaphone to repair the two remaining faults are still unfulfilled.

Yesterday I got a call from Vodaphone asking about my mobile service. It's fine. Would I like to upgrade to a contract plan. NO! Would I like a landline? Not hardly. Would I like broadband? Well, now let me tell you sir, about your broadband. It is already provided to me via the landlord. It sucks! And the response, "well that's grand then, thank you. Click" Really? Customer service at its finest - hah!

Time to get out for a walk - no rain clouds although it's not sunny.

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