My sojourn in Ireland is quickly drawing to a close. Local travels are almost all set aside for next year - when I plan for a repeat of this winter. Mr weatherman are you paying attention. This winter was mild and not overly wet. Consider this my order for a duplicate next year, please.
The Carnew Drama Festival is on this week - almost over. I've seen two productions and both were wonderful. I found the adjudicator (yep, only one guy not a panel) to be very knowledgeable about the playwrights, the time period enacted, suitable costumes and the finer points of accents and acting. He was excessively picky, in my opinion. Granted, if a performance was truly outstanding he did give the actors their due. And there were many such performances. Many more than he spoke of, IMHO.
Both plays were very compelling and truly worth much more in entertainment value than the 10 Euro ticket price. The final production tomorrow, Agnes of God, I saw a few weeks ago here in Bunclody. That was a practice run. I don't need to see it again. It was fabulous. Good luck to all.
There are a number of drama festivals all over the country. The productions don't only compete in their local areas. A group from Armagh put on last Sunday's production. All of the plays are being staged in mulitple, far flung, locations. If a production wins three festivals, they compete in the national finals. Now THAT would be a festival to take in for sure. Ireland's famous literary history is definitely not underrated.
On Tuesday evening, Ann hosted the Byrne family at the Rock Tavern (that is a place, not a pub) and once again outdid herself with the feast. I'm still licking my lips at the memory of Nancy's Pavlova. It was a wonderful evening with the family. James updated us on the state of the lambing and young Michael informed us that he has pulled 6 (or was it 8) lambs. Quite a feat for this young upcoming farmer.
Wednesday I went off to Arklow for a final get together with the three ladies I first met at preparations for the Gathering, here at Coollattin in 2013. We had a lovely supper at the Arklow Bay Hotel. The weather was lousy but was simply not a factor for us.
It's still on the wet side but I'm making a deal with the weatherman. Rain is fine, up to midnight on Saturday. At that time the clouds should disperse and the rain should go elsewhere. Heather arrives on Sunday morning and we have a lot of touring ahead. It will be so much nicer with nice dry sunny days. So far the outlook is not ideal but it's not too wet. Anyway, we will deal with what we get.
I've done my final laundry, sorted the things that will stay here and done some of my packing - for our touring and the trip home. My plan does not include stuffing my laptop in my checked bag so I hope the current ban on electronics in the cabin is not expanded beyond the airlines and points of origin already noted. Should any security person decide to browse my computer they'd fall asleep in moments unless of course, I've found some of their previously unknown ancestors.
Tomorrow I'll do the final cleanup and if it's dry enough, go for a saunter. I'll try to write updates and we see the sights - both the well known and well hidden.
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