Saturday, March 3, 2018

Chocolate hazelnut coffee it is!

Today's the day - the melt has begun. I'm taking the same photo out the dining room window to track the regression of the snow. There is progress but not fast enough for my liking.

Knowing there was a smaller pair of wellies in the shed, I got ready for my trek into town and went directly to the shed to try the boots. After some struggle I managed to wedge my left foot into a black boot. I only had to tuck three of my toes under in order to get it on. Walking that way was just not going to happen. A few minutes later I had got it off. Back to the big green men's size 11s with the fabric, string-tied top. That little added featured was most welcome. The snow in the lane is higher than the boots and having been able to tie them up mean that none of it landed inside the boots. Yay!

It was obvious that many had preceded me up and down the lane. Just a little bit over from here on the same lane is a nursing home. I would guess, without knowing, that possibly staff were the hardy souls going in and out. Either that or the residents had developed severe cases of cabin fever and were escaping on foot.

My hopes of the street having been cleaned off were dashed in a hurry. Instead there were tractor tracks that formed paths suitable for using to get down the hill. However, with the overly roomy footwear, and the slightly slippery surface in those tracks, I opted for the lumpy snow covered areas and managed not to fall.

Just at the gate I encountered a party of four walking into town. Always taking the opportunity to strike up a conversation, I started chatting. One lady identified herself as a Redmond. Well, it just so happens that I'm keeping my ears open for Redmond news for a friend. This lady suggested checking at the library to see what books they might have. Redmonds are everywhere in Co Wexford. Will I ever find the right bunch for Pat? Nothing ventured nothing gained, but no venture today.

I took some pictures along the way and my formatting skills being minimal, shall simply put them at the end of this missive.

The main road at the bottom of Hospital Hill was plowed, more or less. Well, less. But there was some traffic. The main street hosted several cars which had found parking between mounds of snow in front of the shops. Some remained closed but my destination was Eurospar grocery store. It's not my favourite but is the closest.

I headed directly to the dairy products. Everything but milk. I really only want it for coffee so thought I'd pick up a small bottle of cream when there was no plain milk to be found. The only cream was already whipped, so that was a non-starter. However, they had Chocolate Hazelnut milk and so I bought a container. It will be more than sufficient to last me until departure on Wednesday. My coffee should be a notch above what I've been using to start every day. I hope.

I picked up some lemon puffs, simply because I haven't had any for decades and they used to be a treat, and a small packet of crackers (the name brands being exorbitantly priced). At least I hope they're crackers. They are Cricks Salty Snack Biscuits. I need something to put under a slice of old cheddar cheese which I already had in the fridge. Then I tossed in 2 bananas because you never know when you'll want to eat a banana.

As I wandered around outside, taking a few photos of the rather different scene on main street, I began to appreciate the wellies less and less. My socks were snarled around my toes and complaining with every step. I'd have bought a nice pair of thick work socks but no shops that sold them were open. I could have walked up the hill to the coop near the SuperValu but it may not have been open. By then my feet would have been complaining more loudly and I'd have had that same walk back, only downhill.

By that point it was raining, although it wasn't an issue. My outer jacket is quite waterproof and with the hood up I was quite snug. Warm actually. The rain abated slightly and as I look out the window now it's quite steady and hopefully doing its job melting snow.

There were copious quantities of slush already as the temperature is about 4C. It's that lovely brown mucky slush - just made for splashing around in wellies. I ignored the opportunity to splash and just came home and here I am. The jacket is drying and the chocolate hazelnut milk is stored in the fridge for tomorrow's wake up call.

Last part of the walk into town

Market square view from Eurospar

Market square looking towards the bridge over the Slaney

well he probably had good intentions but ran out of places to dump the snow

Just have to get.back.up.that.hill

my supply of snowballs is greatly diminished - no longer a threat

And these are the supplies I brought home
the pack doesn't look it, but is soaking wet from the rain

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