Friday, April 27, 2018

Family dinners

There are no stories that have been passed down about family dinners prior to my generation.

There is one picture of my great grand uncle George Burns and his family in Ogdensburg, New York, USA, with his family around the dinner table. To be sure that all the children were included, there is a picture of a son who was not there, on the table.

Burns family at dinner, Ogdensburg, NY, circa 1921: Left to right: George(father), Jen, Mary, Anne, Elizabeth Foster Burns (mother), Martin, Kate and Thomas. There is a photo of Jim on the table.

Apparently Elizabeth (Foster) Burns was a good cook. At one point she was a cook at a lumber camp where George was working shortly after their marriage. Son Thomas was born in the camp. This must have been a special occasion, note the fancy folded napkins.

We had family dinners every evening in the kitchen. On holidays and birthdays we ate in the dining room. Occasionally close relatives or family friends would join us. Mom always made a big deal of these occasions, making sure there was an appropriate seasonal tablecloth and centrepiece. We used the "good" dishes. For almost every holiday we had turkey with all the trimmings. For dessert there was usually only once choice on weekdays and weekends, but holidays often brought out some choices.

For the past 40 or so years, our go-to dessert was "chocolate log". This is the recipe on the box of Christie's chocolate wafers. Whipped cream, sweetened with a little bit of sugar and vanilla, was spread between the wafers and the whole thing formed into a log. We wouldn't think of having a family dinner without it.

For many years there was also Pecan Pie - made with Ritz crackers and crushed pecans, topped with whipped cream which softened the pie. It was not the gooey pecan pie one usually finds available in stores and restaurants. Often there were fruit pies, the specialties being raspberry or strawberry-rhubarb. The rhubarb was from our garden.

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