Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Family History Writing Challenge

I have committed to writing every day in the month of February, through an online writing course for family historians. The aim is to write creative non-fiction. The facts are the facts, but putting them in a setting and giving life to the characters will hopefully make it more interesting to my family. The last thing they want is to have a boring recitation of facts or a binder full of charts.

So, I have chosen to write about Ned McGrath. He was my maternal great grandfather and the ancestor about whom I've got the most information. Thank you Ned - your public life as an alderman, active Liberal and sportsman made sure that the main events in your life were widely covered in the local papers. Now that those papers are digitized I've been mining them for information and have a lot of material. And by the way, after he died he was a ghost. Stay tuned.

So - if you are interested in following my writing journey, I plan to copy each day's output into this blog. I would appreciate feedback, comments and constructive criticism. If you should happen to have any photos or stories that I might not have, by all means please get in touch with me.


  1. Hmmm, a captivating start to Ned's story. Standing by for more!

  2. Very nice. This inspires me to write about things I have encounteted in my life. Great story, I can't wait to read more.
