Sunday, September 1, 2019

Aboard the Ocean Diamond

Saturday was our only really wet day so far and we were on the move all the time. There is free wifi onboard but not in the cabins and by the time we were finished with the first day's proceedings it was too late to seek it out and write the blog. We had to get up early for an excursion. So, let's back up a little.

Public confession here: I was trying to take a night photo from our hotel room on Friday night, by pressing my camera against the glass of the window. I chose the window badly. It was the only one that opened and that was little more than a crack. However, when the phone/camera slipped it dropped 7 stories. By the time I got down to the sidewalk, all I found was the screen protector. I looked all over, as did hotel staff, but to no avail. It's hard to imagine any smartphone surviving such a drop, but possibly mine did. Someone must have retrieved it immediately and took off. I can only hope it's useless. I had backed up almost all of my photos to the cloud, except for a few from Friday. I suspended the phone service so it could not be accessed by anyone. Of course they could take out the SD card where I had thousands of pictures. They are all backed up except for a few. 

That left me without a phone - which I used only on wifi for Internet access, but more importantly without a camera. I found out the best place to buy some sort of replacement. It didn't come cheap but I now have a Samsung A20 which has a great camera. It can be used all over the EU. So that means another large expense when I get home. If anyone is going to be travelling where this phone works, you are most welcome to borrow it. I only got a data plan as I have no desire to phone anybody from here.

Now, kindly have a laugh at my expense (my great expense) and never mention this to me again. Thank you.

So - purchase completed and phone set up, off we went. There was a constant drizzle all day but we wandered up and down the streets surrounding the hotel - testing the camera of course. We went back to the Grillhusid for a nice bowl of asparagus soup for lunch around 3. Too bad we did.

When it came time to board the ship we collected our bags from the hotel and trotted off in the now slightly heavier rain, for the port. It was only about 10 minutes on foot with suitcases.

A friendlier crew you will never find. There was a lovely buffet set up on board and a very smooth process of registration and finding our room. We bypassed the food. We have the most spacious cabin I've ever enjoyed on a cruise. There was room for all of our things. Dinner was about 7:30 and followed by more presentations. We finally called it a day around 10:30. Sleep was elusive.

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