Well, here I am, coffee in hand, spinach omelet on the plate and sun streaming in the window. Well, it's streaming now but going to disappear soon as the dark clouds make their way over the hills in my direction.
The laundry is about to start an additional spin and that is likely to be my great accomplishment du jour. Well, that and making sure that everything I want to take home fits into the suitcase and carry-on.
I'll have lots of time to write today and hope that I can be somewhat productive. It's good practice for staying alone at home once I'm back in Ottawa.
I figure that my chances of getting infected with the coronavirus are pretty good on one of the two aircraft that are in my near future. Despite assurances of extra cleaning and fresh air circulation on board, airplanes are known sources of all sorts of "sharing".
There have been very few photos taken on this trip because I haven't really gone anywhere new. I have not seen everyone I'd planned to visit and will not see them before departure.
As I have nothing more to say, I shall stop now.
And so it is - we live in interesting times!