Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Getting ready

Occupying this space you will soon find a description of how my travelling day went and what adventures I got up to. Ireland is my destination - where else? I'm trusting Air Canada for the transportation to and from Dublin. Their record is unblemished to date. Well, for getting me to and from in any case. I live in hope of a tasty meal. That particular record leaves room for improvement. 

The plan to travel with only a backpack and carry-on suitcase looks like it will work out. I shall probably be so bored with the clothes I'm bringing that I'll toss them out or donate them and have room to bring home more chocolate. Butler's chocolate and Lily O'Briens you are hereby on notice that I shall be shopping at the airport when it's time to fly home. Make sure to have sufficient inventory on hand. My preference is for dark chocolate but I do include milk chocolate for friends whose tastes vary from mine. I was going to say "whose tastes are less sophisticated than mine" but that would be rude.

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