Monday, February 4, 2019

Not just a house but a home

This is a work in progress. Parts of this may appear separately in the final product. The clipping about the Christmas party will be posted later.


146 Lebreton Street! How could a mere address evoke such strong feelings? Just hearing it called to mind the painted wooden siding, the peaked shingled roof, the huge front porch rounded at one end, and the trap door under the linoleum in the kitchen that led to the scary earthen-floored basement. For as long as that home was standing, it was occupied by a McGrath. The simple two-storey frame house had been built by his father Michael McGrath, with some help from Ned. Their attachment to that house was intense. The porch of this house was Ned’s favourite place to be in the city.

Summers in Ottawa were often very hot and humid and with the wood stove burning in the kitchen, the resulting heat only made the rest of the house even more miserably warm. And so, they added a summer kitchen. Even sitting out on the porch was a rare pastime in the dog days of summer. But in Spring or Fall it was Ned's place to sit and think.

On this pleasant Spring evening Ned sat on the side porch, enjoying his pipe and reviewing his next project. Even after work he wore his suit, and being outdoors, his trademark bowler hat. In a briefcase he had brought home the plans he had started to examine at work. They needed further review. As usual he sat on the large wooden box. Ned liked that hard seat because it kept him alert as he processed each new idea. He did some of his best thinking there - alone. Minnie and the children went about their business, no longer offering a penny for his thoughts, and grateful that the often-present pipe was being smoked outside. Ned decided that he would share his plans, but all in good time. For now his presence was not required inside. Dinner would be ready soon and perhaps he’d share some news over his evening plate of meat and potatoes, but maybe not before sinking his fork into the tasty lemon cake for which Minnie was famous. For once he had no baseball or lacrosse game or political meeting to attend that evening. Boating season had not yet begun. Soon enough he heard Minnie call out “dinner's ready for anyone who’s hungry”. Putting work aside, he went in to join the family.

After Mass on Sunday, when the weather cooperated, he would sit outside, often joined by Minnie and some of his children and of course the neighbours who dropped by. Nobody sat there unless they had the time to spare. Duty was the first call and only once it had been discharged could a McGrath relax. Well, except on those occasions when relaxation was the duty that called.

Division of labour in the McGrath home was along very traditional gender lines. Nobody raised any objections as they all got on with what needed doing. The men handled their ‘manly’ tasks of repairs and exterior yard maintenance; and the women took on the cooking, cleaning, mending and of course quilting. The kitchen was the sacred domain of Minnie and her daughters and they produced wonderful meals and desserts. The yard belonged to Ned and the three boys. Ned and Minnie raised a very effective team using these rules, and family being together was foremost in their activities. Major decisions were made at home.

That home was the site of parties too, because if anyone did, the McGraths knew how to throw a party. Despite the modest size of the living area at #146, parties could be quite large. Two parties of note were reported in the local papers.

In late April of 1910, daughter Agnes married Harry Sunderland. Harry and Minnie were gracious hosts and welcomed 75 guests at the reception in their home. The Ottawa Journal gave a brief account of the event. They had so much fun that not a single photo was taken of the event.

At Christmas 1925, Ned and Minnie hosted a party for their large extended family, and this time The Ottawa Citizen printed the story. The monstrous Christmas tree occupied so much of the living room and the guests, after expressing awe at the spectacle, spread out through the dining room and kitchen to enjoy the festivities. Once again, no cameras were in evidence. 

The huge tree captured the imagination of their 6 year old granddaughter, Rita Sunderland, who forever after demanded that her parents make sure their own home had a tree that touched the ceiling.

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