Sunday, April 17, 2022

A rare morning musing

Though sleep usually eludes me, last night with a mere 1/4 of a sleeping pill, I had a solid 8 hours and awoke refreshed. One of the problems is that this duvet, with no top sheet, is very very warm. I did open the window a crack. Any further and it might admit the rain.

A cup of coffee (not the best I ever made) has completed the arising ritual. The laundry has been put away, having finished drying on a rack in the cottage overnight. An hour in the tumble dryer was not quite long enough for the small load. 

Now as we gaze out the window we wonder how long it will take before we can see further than the car.

view from the front door

There's no evidence that the Easter bunny knew where we were so alas, no supply of chocolate has been deposited here. Fear not, we do have an ample supply of chocolate to satisfy the addiction.

Our plan for today is a tour of the Wicklow Brewery at Redcross, followed by a meal at Mickey Finn's pub at the same location. How else would one celebrate Easter?

The only other time I was at Redcross was when I was supposed to be in Ashford. I wonder where we'll end up today. But this time, we are using google maps and so far we have not exactly been led astray. We have been led via the L roads - those narrow strips of asphalt too narrow to bother with a centre line. They are better than boreens - dirt roads with a strip of grass in the middle. But the views along the way are always worth a look.

Our brewery tour is not until 2 pm and we will leave much earlier than should be required. You do recall my penchant for, um, choosing alternate routes, don't you? And if the fog is late lifting it could be a very interesting drive.

Until later ...

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