Thursday, April 21, 2022

Thursday and more sun

 It doesn't get much better than today weather-wise. The sun was out all day and it was warm enough to sit outdoors without a jacket. But that was later..

We had set as our mission, to check out the offerings of Dunne's store in Gorey. We are trying to support the Irish economy after all.

What we hadn't yet found was a garage to repair the headlights. Mr Google came through and we found a garage, also in Gorey. The appointment is booked for Friday morning at 8:30. Getting up early has not been a priority until now but we'll manage.

The shopping excursion was a success with a few items bought at more than acceptably low prices. My new t-shirts will give me a non-golf look in the coming weeks. 

It wasn't an exciting day and we really didn't have an adventure nor did we take many photos. After a delicious Caesar salad with chicken, we headed for a drive part way up Mt Leinster. The view was spectacular but despite the sun, the view was hazy. I decided against the nerve-jangling drive all the way to the Nine Stones. Instead we chose to follow the back roads in order not to travel back the way we had come. Eventually we came to the N80 and I was once again oriented. 

We ended up taking a stroll around Altamont Gardens - always lovely. And as refreshment after our stroll we each had a delicious little tub (125 ml) of Chocolate Truffle Ice Cream. Yummy.

A visit to Kathleen Doyle for a cuppa and a cookie completed the day's adventures. We're having another quiet evening. I just have to clean my golf clubs to prepare for tomorrow's round at Mount Wolsely

No pictures today - Internet service is too slow for photos to be transferred and there weren't many to choose from anyway.

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