Thursday, March 14, 2024

I didn't blink so I managed to see the sun today

An early bedtime last night and late awakening this morning took care of the jet lag and the totally sleepless night on the plane. The morning weather was not worth opening the curtains for, but it was worth a couple of cups of coffee to get me off to a good start. There wasn't enough liquid in my Overnight Oats, but I ate it in slices anyway. Almost tasty.

I decided to walk around the block. Note to self: find out if there is a block first. Turns out there isn't. The street around the corner is a dead end. Anyway, it was drizzling and very windy, so I was happy enough to cut it short when I got back to my "own" place. 

The afternoon weather, after my nap, was somewhat more pleasant. It was just misty, not showering, but I took along an umbrella which I used as a sidewalk tapper as I strolled along. 

Having watched hours of videos on iPhone photography, and learned that my phone is more sophisticated than its owner in what it can do, it was time to do some experimental snapping. I didn't see anyone I knew but did get and return several friendly greetings. I don't know if the greetings were followed by quiet snickers, as I snapped pictures of things I'd never have thought of capturing if I hadn't watched those videos. For example:

Just some moss on the church wall

Different moss on a different wall

Goes without saying, but was spotted on a gate.

I could, but won't bore you with more pictures taken along the main street of Carnew. Instead, I'll show you some of the flowers in my front yard. First of all - the house. It has a roof, by the way. 

My current location on Coolattin Road in Carnew, Co. Wicklow

And just a couple of hundred metres down the street is the location of the reason why I'm here

You can see from that picture that we had some blue sky and sunshine today. It lasted about a nanosecond but it was very bright, if not warm. Neither is it really cold, and, in fact, because of the dampness, it feels colder than it is.

So, in my front yard, I tried to take some snaps of the lovely plants and flowers. Wouldn't it be nice to look outside in Ottawa and see flowers at this time of year? Some of you have noticed the odd crocus, but today I saw tulips down the street. Be patient, Ottawa will have some soon(ish). I don't have a close-up lens, but I managed to get quite close despite my camera showing the message "Move farther back."


The perfect Camelia; the white ones are still buds

Hellebore, according to the iPhone

Tonight will be quiet with another early bedtime but somewhat later than last night. I want a relatively early start tomorrow. The plan is to go to Beyond the Trees at Avondale. I expect the camera will get quite a workout. And I won't forget to just enjoy the surroundings either. I'll try to be there when it opens at 10, so I can get home and have a nap before going to the theatre tomorrow night. This is a description of the play.

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