Tuesday, March 19, 2024

I set out in the opposite direction to a different destination and an unplanned stop en route

Fix yourself a drink, maybe get a cookie, and put your feet up. This could get quite wordy today. There's a lot to fit in.

I finally decided on Altamont Gardens as my destination du jour, but then I went to Duckett's Grove instead. But not directly. This is how that happened.

Just as I locked the door when leaving, I glanced up the street to see a large crowd of people on foot, followed by a couple of cars. There was a funeral and the body had been waked at home. This was the procession to the church. I was hardly going to join the parade, so off I went in the opposite direction.

This new route passed through Shillelagh, not the way to Altamont Gardens. I can't tell you how often I've driven over the narrow stone bridge that brings you to "downtown" Shillelagh, but it's dozens and dozens of times. This time I noticed a footbridge parallel to the stone bridge I was driving over. What to do? Well, pull over, park, and explore, of course.

And I discovered what I'd been missing. The pedestrian bridge isn't anything special, but it led to the playing field and a lovely meandering walking path. And every so often, there is a sign that reminds you it is also a fitness path. The first sign I came to suggested doing squats. LOL - not today. I was on a photo mission. Here are a couple of examples:

The stone bridge in Shillelagh as seen from the pedestrian bridge

Just another pretty daffodil

Just some pretty flowers to practice focusing; the camera not my mind

Another lane I've yet to explore

I followed the walking path until I came to another footbridge, which turned my walk into a loop and brought me back to where I started. Of course, I had to immortalize the clock tower on the Shillelagh town hall. Lo and behold, the quick brown fox was jumping over the weather vane and the clock was off by a few hours.

The time was about 11:30 so someone needs to tell that clock

Because I was already parked and pointed towards Tullow, it seemed only right to visit Duckett's Grove, en route to Altamont Gardens. Well, OK, they are not on the same route, but I had hours to spend. 

Google Maps provided perfect directions, with no diversions onto narrow boreens and paths to nowhere. I travelled on good roads all the way. And it certainly was worth the trip. I can't believe I've been this close so many times and never visited before. It must have been quite an amazing home when occupied and intact.  

I was quite struck by the flora and must show you some samples of the flowers here.

Pink Magnolias of course

Feltleaf Ceanothus

Cherry Laurel

Ramsons - flowering garlic

Oriental Paperbush

And then, of course, it was on to Altamont Gardens. While not on the direct route to anywhere, it really wasn't too long a drive to reach what would have been my original destination. It's always lovely here and it might have been nicer on a sunny day. But, IT WASN'T RAINING, and that was good enough. And of course, more floral abundance and the season of flowers has just begun. 

Enter Altamont Gardens and prepare to be impressed

Giant Trillium

Magnolias over water

Purple Rock Cress

Speedwell - playing with focus

Magnolias admiring themselves in the lake with Altamont House in the distance

Then it was time to head back to Carnew and prepare to meet some new lambs, some special helpers, and a curious cow. And I forgot my wellies with the Byrnes. Oops!

Latest arrival; its twin is resting

Daddy's little helpers

Waiting for space in the delivery room

Recuperating with the twins


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