Sunday, November 12, 2023

Almost time to wander home but ...

Last night in the cottage. All is calm as I type this but Storm Debi is to roar across Ireland overnight and tomorrow morning. Driving conditions will be awful. Falling trees, winds up to 100 KPH and driving rain are expected. I foresee a late return of my car. Better safe than sorry.

I had a lovely day today with Mary Harte at Ann and Tom's place. Ann cooked a lovely dinner and when I was about to say it's time to leave, some of the Kavanaghs arrived so we extended the visit. I took Mary back to Carnew and made my way "home."

Just the packing up to do now. I will be ready to depart tomorrow when the roads are again declared safe to drive. This area won't be hit so hard, but I'd be heading into rough weather en route to Dublin. The schools are closed until at least 10 am and people are advised to work from home if possible. The storm puts a fitting end to this visit. I arrived at the tail end of Storm Babet. We were more or less bypassed by Storm Ciaran, and Storm Debi will usher me out. I imagine flights will be affected tomorrow. Luckily, mine is on Tuesday. I'll be staying at a hotel near Dublin airport tomorrow night.

So I bid adieu to another Irish adventure and will resume my travel narrative at some future date.

Genealogy alert

No real progress with finding another generation back, but some sources have been examined, found wanting, and crossed off the list. More to come. New sources found. More research in December at the National Library manuscript room. No, not me, but a trusted researcher. Who knows what will turn up.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

No, not washed away

As I type it's raining heavily, in the daytime, although it's been mostly dry since last weekend. There have been some overnight showers and that's the schedule I wish they'd keep. It has been  chilly, dry and often sunny. I guess the daytime rain just couldn't stay away too long.

There's really nothing much of note that has happened this week. No socks went missing in the laundry, no morning coffee was abandoned, the recycling was recycled. I've been in and out, visiting here and there and had some of the Byrnes over for pizza and sweets on Tuesday evening. Had dinner yesterday with Mary and Mai at Carnew Community Care where Mary lives. 

After dinner we played a variation on Bingo that I've never seen before. Instead of numbers on your card, you had song titles. As a song was played you had to cross it out if you found it somewhere on your card. A card fully crossed out was required for Bingo. I won twice, along with several others, and for the €2 fee to play, I ended up with €4. Not a bad ROI. Now I have to plan how to spend that princely sum. The best part was that they used old music, mainly from the 50s and 60s, popular songs and folk songs. It was fun.

Once BINGO was done we adjourned to the dining room. Afternoon tea was available along with a three-tiered plate of savoury and sweet goodies. After all, it had been almost two hours since dinner. Who wouldn't need to top up the day's calorie count?

And then, late last night, there was the battle with the moth! Just after lights out I was aware of something flapping around that was bigger than a fly. So, lights on to figure it out. I was reasonably certain it wasn't a bat, and it was not. Huge sigh of relief. If it had been a bat I would have adjourned to the car. 

It was a moth or possibly a small butterfly. And it was an elusive critter. After a while when I was the the one flapping about, wielding my jeans as a moth-swatter, I remember that moths are attracted to light sources. The bedside lamp was on and while it did venture around the room, it had been more or less in the neighbourhood of the lamp. Near my head. Not ideal for sleeping. 

OK, the challenge was on. I turned on the ceiling light and turned off the bedside lamp. That's when I captured this photo. The critter was too pretty to consider execution.

As it happens, my bedroom is a loft with two skylights. One of them opens. That's where I took a photo on a sunny morning last week. You might have seen it. But I digress, the ceiling fixture, now the temporary resting place of the moth, is not near the window. BUT, I could move the bedside lamp. And I did. Then I turned off the ceiling light and turned on the lamp. Sure enough, the moth was attracted. 

Next step - open the skylight. OK - nothing happened. I began flapping the jeans again in the direction of the moth. Eventually it took the hint and flew off into the night. Problem solved. Skylight was closed. Lamp was returned to its habitual place, turned off, and the pursuit of sleep resumed. 

Today is a writing and research day. Maria is joining me this evening in pursuit of her branch of the Byrne line. I've recently come across some Byrnes who may be brothers of our ancestors. Hope springs eternal. Maybe I can put a couple more puzzle pieces together. 

So, I've managed to put off the writing once again. Ah well ...

Monday, November 6, 2023

The clock is possessed.

Well, maybe not possessed exactly, but it does frequently jump two hours ahead. And then the next time you look, it's exactly correct. I had noticed this several times over the last week and wondered if perhaps I'd gone bonkers. No need to comment on that. I have never actually seen the time change and because it makes the leap forward and back on a schedule unknown to me. I won't sit and stare at it for hours hoping to see when it happens.

Last night, since it gets dark very early and I'm just getting used to that, I felt quite tired. I looked at the clock which was reading 10 pm. Not too early to go to bed. So, I got ready. As I was about to settle down for the night I happened to see the screen on my phone - it was only 8 pm. The clock had done it again. Ah well, that gave me more time to read and I started to feel more awake. 

This morning it was fine, reading the same as my watch and phone. This afternoon I had someone in for a cup of tea and at 10 to 4, the clock agreed with my watch. I told John about the discrepancy and of course he had no idea what was happening.

So, I emailed the manager of the cottages. This was the reply:

It's supposed to be connected to some global wifi clock somehow.
I'm actually not sure how it works but I've heard it doesn't work great.

Anyway, it's not possessed! it's just badly designed.

He offered to replace it but I said that since I have other sources for the correct time to simply ignore it.

At dinner time, according to my stomach, my watch said 6 pm. The clock, by then, said it was 8 o'clock. Whaaaat? Just a few minutes ago I took a picture of the clock and another of my watch. See!

The clock reports the time

And just after the clock, I took a picture of my watch

So, no need to retire for the night. It's not so late. I wonder what time will be displayed when I wake up tomorrow.

Wonder of wonders, tomorrow could be the third day in a row without rain. I feel an outing in the offing. Well, at least a little grocery run. Maybe I could find a walking trail that's dry enough to use.


Where did the weekend go?

Friday's lovely day was offset, of course, by the weather on Saturday. Let's just say it wasn't nice. Sunday was a decent day, starting out cloudy but brightening up soon enough. I collected Mary Harte in Carnew and we drove to St Brigid's church in Askamore for the 11 Mass which was celebrated in part for Mike Byrne's Months Mind. The whole family was there. Here's a 360 degree video of the view we enjoyed. Everywhere you look here, the scenery is stunning. 

I couldn't upload this video but here's a link that should take you to it. If the link doesn't work directly from this post, copy and paste it into the address bar in your browser.

We adjourned to Jim's pub in Carnew for a great reception with delicious vegetable soup, brown bread, sandwiches and cupcakes. Luckily for me, coffee was on offer as well as tea. I met a lot of cousins I'd met before and many that I hadn't. I hope one day that some will visit me in Ottawa.

The remainder of the day was spent reading and watching tv. I retired early and slept well. I also forgot to put my hearing aids on the charger when I went to bed.

Now it's Monday and it's wash day. The laundry is on the drying rack in my sunroom. It would not enhance the look of the courtyard if I were to put it outside the front door. I'll be sticking close to the cottage for a while, having forgotten to charge my hearing aids last night. 

My plans for the day were to stay in and do some more writing. But that sunshine is beckoning and here I am without a plan to enjoy it. It's only 8C but I have warm clothes. 

Genealogy warning. Read on at your peril.

I have long wondered about the correct spelling of a surname. One of my ggg grandmother's first names was Bridget, and her surname has been transcribed and guessed as: Loughnan(e), Longham, and this morning I think I got it right: Loughran. I was excited after seeing the name on a website that produced family names in Ogham script and also in Irish. I've yet to find the Irish other than the Ogham script is longer. My best guess is that it is the Ogham script version of the spelling in Irish. Anyway, scrolling through to see how many of my ancestral names had already been produced, I came upon Loughran. They seem to add to the collection as people request particular surnames. That name rang a bell and now, scrutinizing Bridget's marriage record, I think that is probably the correct spelling. 

Alas, I've not made any further progress finding out about her family, but in Quebec in 1842, I did find a John Loughran, farmer, in the Deux Montagnes region near Montreal. Bridget had married and lived in the Eastern Townships, but it's not that far away. Her father had been John. The John in the record was part of a family of 10. So, more research will be done trying to track down further information. I guess it's time to get a one-day access to the Drouin Collection where I'm more likely to find Quebec records.

I'll say farewell for the moment and start digging into records again. It's always easier to do research than to write, so the writing will be deferred, at least for this morning.

Friday, November 3, 2023

It's a beautiful (chilly) day in the neighbourhood

Finally a bright sunny day, with very little wind. It was only 6C when I went outside but warmed up through the day to about 10C. No rain all day - wonderful. This is the view from my bedroom skylight this morning. I didn't need a ladder - the ceiling is sloped and quite low where the skylight is located.

Given the excellent weather I drove to Coolruss to see "Bob's Tree." That's it's offiicial name. Jim planted it in 2009 when we brought some of Dad's ashes to Ireland and they now rest under that tree. After a difficult start, the tree has flourished and is quite a beauty. The landscape around it is gorgeous and there's no better setting to rest forever. 

After a cuppa and a chat with Jim and Maria, I discovered that I have copies of some of their old family photos that Mary Harte has been harbouring for years. I'd scanned them years ago but don't have names on them. We were only able to see a few on the phone but sending the Dropbox link to Maria was successful and they can now download and get printed any that they want.

Later I drove to Gorey and bought myself a decent sweater to wear to Mike's 'Month Mind' on Sunday. It should go nicely with my good running shoes. Ah well, anyone interested in my feet will now have something to natter about.  While in Dunnes I picked up a warmish jacket for Mary Harte, and despite her refusal for years to wear a coat even in cold weather, she seemed to like this one. I told her I expect to see her wearing it on Sunday.

She mentioned having recently got some of the old family photos that were retrieved for her from Ashford. So, I told her that I'd like her to tell me the names of the people in the pictures I have from her collection. She and her niece Mai are coming for lunch tomorrow and we'll spend part of the afternoon identifying the folks in the pictures. Ta-da. 

Thursday, November 2, 2023

A few photos of Minmore Mews

Having deprived you of pictures lately, I wandered around the property here and took a few photos to share. That will give you an idea of the nail-biting excitement of my days. 

The long view from the back of the main house. My cottage is the lowest one in the row, behind the car in the distance. 

A few of the neighbours who are very quiet. Note the ever-present windmills that are seen in almost every view here, generating power. Some days they barely move. Mind your eyes with the brilliant (lack of) sunshine.

Main entrance to John's house.

The beautiful views are endless

Pretty nice digs for the hens although I don't think they actually go in here

Composition of the hedges #1

Another part of the same hedge - the variation is endless

There is lots of holly around - getting itself ready for Christmas decor I guess

Longer view of the same hedge - impossible to list all of the different forms of vegetation

Thankfully a non-event

Storm Ciaran came and went. There was rainfall overnight but no flooding as a result. This morning it's cloudy but the trees are barely moving. Obviously the storm took a different track. Surely there is no more rain left to fall. 

Despite the reasonably nice day, I have no plans to go anywhere. It's still too wet underfoot to enjoy a walk. My shoes would become sodden very quickly and the lovely Tomnafinoge woods where I'd love to stroll, would be too muddy and the trees would be shaking off all that rain. Maybe tomorrow.

The most exciting thing I did yesterday was buy some Frank and Honest coffee at Centra in Carnew. It's very nice and got my day off to a good start. In fact, maybe I'll have another cup for quality control in case the first cup was an aberration.

The most enjoyable thing I did was return the borrowed guitar and enjoyed a lovely piece of fresh-from-the-oven apple pie with Ann and Tom. I managed to get home just before dark in preparation for the storm that never was.

There is flooding in the south and the north and the damage is severe. But that all happened before Storm Ciaran waved at us on its way to England. It did considerable damage in the Channel Islands but the north of France seems to have been the worst hit. There were cancellations of flights and lots of power outages. Lucky for me, and those around here, we can only send thoughts and prayers. They will do as much good as they do when a mass shooting occurs in the US.

Still no pictures to show you. I could take a few around here but have done that on many previous occasions. Maybe I'll go and walk around the yard and try to capture a few artistic shots. LOL 


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Sunshine? reallly? well, for a while

As I write this, right this minute, it is not raining. It's 9:30 am and there has been no rain for at least two hours. The forecast is for scattered showers during the day and serious rain beginning around 7 pm. At that time, the rain will intensify with Storm Ciaran's visit to SE Ireland en route to creating even more havoc in England. No problem though, as the winds won't be howling until the next morning when the rain abates. 

There is serious flooding around the country and specially in Newry, in Co Down in Northern Ireland. We are not near a river or the sea and are on high ground here in Minmore Mews.

My adventures in the last couple of days have been few. There was a brief standoff with a giant slug that I saw crawling around the edge of the bathroom. Seeing that disgusting antennae-equipped moving blob made me temporarily forget the large snail on the tiled wall above the WC. 

It was bedtime and I wasn't certain whether or not the slug would disappear and how I would feel about that. Where would he disappear to? Would I inadvertently make contact by stepping on it? That was unlikely because it was almost 3" long and had antennae that twitched and by this time my gaze was almost constantly on the floor. How fast can that little sucker move? Would I find him in the shower? Perish the thought.

I went to bed only to lie awake thinking about that disgusting thing. So, I got up to check on its progress. The little sucker had moved about 6 feet so it was just on the outside of the kitchen door, fortunately near the hinged corner. Now what? I was not going to invite it to join me for a cuppa. 

Then I remembered hearing somewhere that a dose of salt poured on such a bug would take care of the problem. The salt shaker was handy so I ground a good amount and dumped it on said slug. Bingo! Instant satisfaction on my part. The problem was being solved, er dissolved, before my eyes. I could use my powers of description here but I'll spare you the details. Let us just say that the salt is no longer visible, the size of the beast has been substantially reduced and the "spot" is still there. I've yet to determine how to get rid of the mess. If I use the broom that will finish it for further use. I have a good supply of paper towels but no interest in that close a mop-up operation. I'm still thinking about it. It's not smelly.

Back to the snail. It has moved location to unseen places. Its good and smaller friend, has appeared just about above the shower on the top of the wall. No longer moving around, I'm hoping it's insanely happy there and will just stay put. I can only see the shell, not the occupant. And I still wonder what happened to the big one.

There was a break in the rain for most of the day yesterday and I took advantage to go out and renew my supply of brown bread. I was also looking for ground coffee, but they don't have any in Shillelagh. I forgot to stop at Centra when I got to Carnew. Candy's Costcutter also stocked only instant coffee. Bleah!

But, a visit with Mary Harte was in order. She was in good form but declined to go for a drive. Her hearing aids must have new batteries because she could hear me and we chatted for a while. I persevered with the position that having had my lunch, I needed neither food nor drink. 

We made plans for me to pick her up on Sunday to go to the "month mind" mass for Mike Byrne in Askamore. 

It's now threatening to be sunny for a bit so I'll get myself in gear and drive to Bunclody for some coffee. I have enough for a couple of days but don't want to run out of it when the weather is really foul. 

The rest of today should be spent doing some writing as per my original plans. The cottage is fine. To control the heat there is a timer for times on and off. There is no thermostat. Generally it's not freezing even when off and it doesn't take long to warm up when it's on. The bathroom should be warm enough now for a shower.

This has really been much ado about nothing but I didn't want anyone to think I'd floated away. The rain is not affecting me as much as the farmers. Their situation is pretty bad. The ground has no chance to dry up at all before the next downpour comes along.