Thursday, November 2, 2023

A few photos of Minmore Mews

Having deprived you of pictures lately, I wandered around the property here and took a few photos to share. That will give you an idea of the nail-biting excitement of my days. 

The long view from the back of the main house. My cottage is the lowest one in the row, behind the car in the distance. 

A few of the neighbours who are very quiet. Note the ever-present windmills that are seen in almost every view here, generating power. Some days they barely move. Mind your eyes with the brilliant (lack of) sunshine.

Main entrance to John's house.

The beautiful views are endless

Pretty nice digs for the hens although I don't think they actually go in here

Composition of the hedges #1

Another part of the same hedge - the variation is endless

There is lots of holly around - getting itself ready for Christmas decor I guess

Longer view of the same hedge - impossible to list all of the different forms of vegetation

1 comment:

  1. I so enjoyed staying at Minmore Mews! A lovely place.
