Friday, November 3, 2023

It's a beautiful (chilly) day in the neighbourhood

Finally a bright sunny day, with very little wind. It was only 6C when I went outside but warmed up through the day to about 10C. No rain all day - wonderful. This is the view from my bedroom skylight this morning. I didn't need a ladder - the ceiling is sloped and quite low where the skylight is located.

Given the excellent weather I drove to Coolruss to see "Bob's Tree." That's it's offiicial name. Jim planted it in 2009 when we brought some of Dad's ashes to Ireland and they now rest under that tree. After a difficult start, the tree has flourished and is quite a beauty. The landscape around it is gorgeous and there's no better setting to rest forever. 

After a cuppa and a chat with Jim and Maria, I discovered that I have copies of some of their old family photos that Mary Harte has been harbouring for years. I'd scanned them years ago but don't have names on them. We were only able to see a few on the phone but sending the Dropbox link to Maria was successful and they can now download and get printed any that they want.

Later I drove to Gorey and bought myself a decent sweater to wear to Mike's 'Month Mind' on Sunday. It should go nicely with my good running shoes. Ah well, anyone interested in my feet will now have something to natter about.  While in Dunnes I picked up a warmish jacket for Mary Harte, and despite her refusal for years to wear a coat even in cold weather, she seemed to like this one. I told her I expect to see her wearing it on Sunday.

She mentioned having recently got some of the old family photos that were retrieved for her from Ashford. So, I told her that I'd like her to tell me the names of the people in the pictures I have from her collection. She and her niece Mai are coming for lunch tomorrow and we'll spend part of the afternoon identifying the folks in the pictures. Ta-da. 

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