Thursday, November 9, 2023

No, not washed away

As I type it's raining heavily, in the daytime, although it's been mostly dry since last weekend. There have been some overnight showers and that's the schedule I wish they'd keep. It has been  chilly, dry and often sunny. I guess the daytime rain just couldn't stay away too long.

There's really nothing much of note that has happened this week. No socks went missing in the laundry, no morning coffee was abandoned, the recycling was recycled. I've been in and out, visiting here and there and had some of the Byrnes over for pizza and sweets on Tuesday evening. Had dinner yesterday with Mary and Mai at Carnew Community Care where Mary lives. 

After dinner we played a variation on Bingo that I've never seen before. Instead of numbers on your card, you had song titles. As a song was played you had to cross it out if you found it somewhere on your card. A card fully crossed out was required for Bingo. I won twice, along with several others, and for the €2 fee to play, I ended up with €4. Not a bad ROI. Now I have to plan how to spend that princely sum. The best part was that they used old music, mainly from the 50s and 60s, popular songs and folk songs. It was fun.

Once BINGO was done we adjourned to the dining room. Afternoon tea was available along with a three-tiered plate of savoury and sweet goodies. After all, it had been almost two hours since dinner. Who wouldn't need to top up the day's calorie count?

And then, late last night, there was the battle with the moth! Just after lights out I was aware of something flapping around that was bigger than a fly. So, lights on to figure it out. I was reasonably certain it wasn't a bat, and it was not. Huge sigh of relief. If it had been a bat I would have adjourned to the car. 

It was a moth or possibly a small butterfly. And it was an elusive critter. After a while when I was the the one flapping about, wielding my jeans as a moth-swatter, I remember that moths are attracted to light sources. The bedside lamp was on and while it did venture around the room, it had been more or less in the neighbourhood of the lamp. Near my head. Not ideal for sleeping. 

OK, the challenge was on. I turned on the ceiling light and turned off the bedside lamp. That's when I captured this photo. The critter was too pretty to consider execution.

As it happens, my bedroom is a loft with two skylights. One of them opens. That's where I took a photo on a sunny morning last week. You might have seen it. But I digress, the ceiling fixture, now the temporary resting place of the moth, is not near the window. BUT, I could move the bedside lamp. And I did. Then I turned off the ceiling light and turned on the lamp. Sure enough, the moth was attracted. 

Next step - open the skylight. OK - nothing happened. I began flapping the jeans again in the direction of the moth. Eventually it took the hint and flew off into the night. Problem solved. Skylight was closed. Lamp was returned to its habitual place, turned off, and the pursuit of sleep resumed. 

Today is a writing and research day. Maria is joining me this evening in pursuit of her branch of the Byrne line. I've recently come across some Byrnes who may be brothers of our ancestors. Hope springs eternal. Maybe I can put a couple more puzzle pieces together. 

So, I've managed to put off the writing once again. Ah well ...

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